
Lanternfly Control | Pest Control | Insect Control

We firmly believe that proper pest control is a direct result of possessing a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of science.

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Lanternfly Control

Installing lanternfly traps is a simple way to help contain the spread of this destructive species. The traps are designed to attract adult lanternflies with a combination of visual and olfactory lures, and once the lanternflies enter the trap they cannot escape.

What is Lanternfly?

The spotted lanternfly causes serious damage including oozing sap, wilting, leaf curling and dieback in trees, vines, crops and many other types of plants. In addition to plant damage, when spotted lanternflies feed, they excrete a sugary substance, called honeydew, that encourages the growth of black sooty mold.

Mating starts in late August with eggs being laid from September through November or until the first killing freeze.

How harmful are they?

The spotted lanternfly is a destructive pest that can wreak havoc on trees, vines, crops, and other plants. Their feeding habits involve piercing the stem and releasing a sugary substance that can attract black sooty mold. As they feed, they also cause oozing sap, wilting, leaf curling and dieback in plants. The damage caused by the spotted lanternfly can be difficult to reverse and may even lead to plant death. It is therefore important to take steps to prevent and control the spotted lanternfly in order to protect agriculture, forests, and other natural habitats.

The initial lanternfly invasion or infestation in my area left me with no choice but to apply approved chemicals for the customers. Unfortunately, these chemicals were ineffective for long-term protection as rain quickly washed away their potency shortly after application. Furthermore, the cost of purchasing the necessary chemicals was relatively high and their effects only lasted a few days. However, I was determined to find a better solution for my customers, and We made a better Solution.

Our Product

The Trap cost Averages 30$  - can be used for multiple years.

This price includes installation.

How it works?

The Trap Works in all stages of the lantern fly life cycle excluding the egg cycle. It is best to set up the lanternfly trap as early in the season to get the nymphs or very young adolescent bugs.  Eggs hatch as early as May, depending on the daytime tempters.

They are approximately 1/4" long.  At this stage they are black with white spots on them, occasionally mistaken for ticks.

My traps work 24/7 and do not wash away by the rain. And it will not compromise the environment as chemicals do. Even during high wind events the traps remained. ( Not talking about tornados.) So I decided to work on an environmentally friendly non-chemical form of trap. And over time and many modifications, this is what I came up with. 

Furthermore, Our product the lanternfly trap is approved by the United States patent department. And my business is insured with full coverage.

Pest Control

Mice and grubs can be a major problem for both homeowners and business owners. They can damage property and spread disease, so it’s important to take steps to control and prevent them from taking over your space. There are various methods of pest control that can be employed, including chemical treatments, trapping, baiting, and exclusion techniques.


Grubs are the immature forms of a variety of beetle species, including Japanese beetles, June beetles, and European chafers. These tiny creatures have soft, white bodies with a set of small legs located near their heads. When they sense danger, they curl up into a tight 'C' shape. During the colder months, grubs become dormant but when the weather starts to warm up they start to take on their active form.

Grubs are notorious for causing destruction in turf and lawns because of their feeding habits. They feed on the roots of grass, leaving large patches and spots of yellow or dead grass in their wake. If left untreated, grub damage can easily kill the grass in an area, causing extensive damage.

Voles / Mice

Voles look like the stockier cousins of field mice. Although they share a mouse's rounded ears, voles have thicker bodies, much shorter tails, and rounder, blunter snouts. Most voles have fur that's a mixture of chestnut brown and black. Their eyes are small and black.

A mouse is a small rodent. Characteristically, mice are known to have a pointed snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail, and a high breeding rate.

Mice and voles typically take up residence in the same kinds of places. They are both often found in woodpiles, under decks, and inside basements. However, they can also be found in agricultural fields where they can cause extensive damage to crops. Voles generally feed on grasses and other plants while mice tend to scavenge on human food. Both of these rodents can spread diseases and contaminate food sources. For this reason, it is important to take preventive measures to keep them away from your home and other areas where they could cause harm.

Insect Control

Ants and cockroaches are some of the most common pests, yet they can still cause a great deal of damage. They will eat through food sources in your home, contaminate surfaces with bacteria, and even cause structural damage over time. Getting rid of them is essential to protecting your property, as well as maintaining a healthy living environment.


Ants are a common type of pest often found inhabiting and nesting near buildings and homes. Not only can they be irritating, but they also have the potential to contaminate food sources, create mounds of soil on lawns and other outdoor spaces, as well as burrow into wood and other materials to create their nests. This can cause significant damage to homes and other structures if not addressed quickly.


Cockroaches are serious pests that can cause extensive damage to any type of building. In restaurants, hospitals, warehouses, offices, and other buildings that handle food, they can spread bacteria and leave behind a foul smell. Furthermore, they have the ability to eat through fabric and paper products which can be very costly to replace. As such, it is important for businesses to take preventative measures in order to protect their property from being damaged by these pests.

Additional Service

Our comprehensive pest control service is tailored to your individual needs. We use the latest technology and methods of pest management to identify and remove pests quickly and efficiently. Moreover, our team can provide advice on how best to prevent future infestations.

In addition to our core pest control services, we also offer additional services for landscaping and clean-up. We have a trained team of professionals who can help you with all your garden maintenance needs – from gardening, weeding, planting, pruning, mulching, and more. Our experts will advise on which plants are most suitable for your area and ensure that they are planted correctly for optimal health.

Let us care for your place!

Call us at (717) 228-8478
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For your peace of mind, we offer free estimates for our pest control, lanternfly trap, Landscaping, or clean-up services. Our experts are experienced professionals and will provide you with a comprehensive plan to address any issues related to pests, trees, shrubs, and lawns.

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